
Painting Imaginary Places from Our Shared Memories
captured in three distinct series of work


Places We Share

“To say that a work is ‘abstract’ is to say only that it does not represent and is not even representational. ‘Astract’ is often combined with another term that indicates a primary function or feature of a work, as for example in ‘Abstract Expressionist’. Other combinations may be contemplated, such as ‘abstract allusionist’. ‘Abstract representational’ would, of course, be self-cancelling, and, strictly, so would ‘abstract portrait’ and ‘abstract landscape’. These latter terms, however, can be regarded as indicating that representation, though not altogether absent from the work, is subordinated to other symbolic functions such as exemplification, expression or allusion.”


“Capturing the simplicity and calm that we all experience while in nature and searching for how to document our shared life experiences, my intention is to allow a landscape to evolve, creating a serene landscape sanctuary, to where we can escape, breathe and be still during these complicated times; a reprieve from the overwhelming world events and constant news about them. ”